David Citadel Hotel i Jerusalem

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7, King David, 9410119, Jerusalem, IL Israel
Kontakter telefon: +972 2-621-1111
Hjemmeside: www.thedavidcitadel.com
Latitude: 31.777117, Longitude: 35.22291
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Kommentar 5

  • Tatiana Gourevich

    Tatiana Gourevich


    Delightful, high level hotel with warm hospitality, professional staff and unique atmosphere of Jerusalem. Excellent food and very comfortable rooms.

  • Jackie R

    Jackie R


    Pretty good location and a good place to host functions at. Clean restrooms, helpful staff. The temperature wasn't too hot or cold in the conference room either. I would stay here if the prices were way lower! But at these prices, no can do.

  • David Lu

    David Lu


    Only had dinner there with a group of about 40 Good variety of salads. Main course was a selection of pastas with different sauces, pizza and a salmon dish. All were excellent! The view from the terrace dining area was beautiful with a spectacular view of the old city!

  • Vicki Witkin

    Vicki Witkin


    Great pool. Nice rooms. Top quality

  • Joshua Lesser

    Joshua Lesser


    This is a beautiful hotel in a great location. The room was very comfortable and spacious. The restaurant had a wide array of delicious choices with a great variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The staff was helpful and attentive.

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