King David Hotel i Jerusalem

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23, King David, 94101, Jerusalem, IL Israel
Kontakter telefon: +972 2-620-8888
Latitude: 31.774378, Longitude: 35.222617
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Kommentar 5

  • Nadav Podoler

    Nadav Podoler


    There are definitely fancier hotels in Jerusalem. There are places with better views, bigger rooms and more extravagant interior design. But you can’t imitate or fabricate history. The king David’s rooms and hallways are full of stories, and there’s just no way to compete with that.

  • ウエストデイブ



    My wife and I ate at the restaurant at the King David Hotel years ago. For us, a once in a lifetime experience. Waiters were impeccably dressed. Bring a few hundred dollars with you. Exquisite.

  • Lauren Boulier

    Lauren Boulier


    I visited King David while touring Israel with my family. We are Christian, and had no idea it was the Sukkot holiday! Because of the holiday there wasn't much hotel staff, I couldn't get a cappuccino at breakfast, service to the room was slow, and the staff wasn't as friendly as I was expecting for the price. It was completely my fault for booking during a holiday, but I expected something at the Ritz Carlton level, and while the staff was very nice, no one went out of their way to make us comfortable. I might return one day, but only after I check the calendar! Great location.

  • Don and Elsa Wilen

    Don and Elsa Wilen


    A classic Grand Hotel with a very solicitous staff that makes you feel very comfortable. We went for lunch and had a very pleasant time. Their menu could use a an upgrade especially considering the number of French guests, a little fancier selection would be nice.

  • Сергей Калиниченко

    Сергей Калиниченко


    King David Hotel - the best hotel ever at Jerusalem area! The hotel has it's own part in history of modern Israel. The style of architecture and design inside is a mix of European and Easter architecture's are a strict classic. The best location in Jerusalem gives to every guest possibility to feel himself as a King because of the amazing view to the Old City and close distance to many of the main attractions and the best restaurants in the city.

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