Mount Zion Boutique Hotel & Suites i Jerusalem

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17, Hebron Road, 93546, Jerusalem, IL Israel
Kontakter telefon: +972 2-568-9555
Latitude: 31.7686034, Longitude: 35.2264209
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Kommentar 5

  • Thom Mak

    Thom Mak


    Went for a conference. Nice facility. Really good food. Very clean

  • Joey G

    Joey G


    Great view good food , helpful staff, elevators problem

  • Rotem Shahar

    Rotem Shahar


    Great location, nice rooms. Dining room staff is...grumpy, to say the least

  • Sheila S

    Sheila S


    Such a cool hotel. Great choices for breakfast. If your American and looking for coffee with milk you won't find milk.

  • Laurie Sherman

    Laurie Sherman


    Our upgraded, king size “Citadel” room offered a really awful hotel experience. The bed was very poor quality - 2 foam and spring twin ‘mattresses’ pushed together on a wood frame in place of a proper boxspring. The pillows were lumps of foam ... and not new. The linens and towels were old and tired. The decor was also old and tired, in the rooms as well as the lobby. We stayed 2 nights at the end of what had been up until that point a wonderful 8-day trip to Israel. Unfortunately the subpar furnishings should have tipped us off that we weren’t going to get much sleep at the Mount Zion Hotel ... and we didn’t. Both nights, fire alarms went off from activity in the kitchen, and there was also a period for about an hour each night, around midnight, that we heard very loud noises - large racks of metal trays being shuttled around in the kitchen? Who knows. Highlights: the breakfast is good. The views from the hotel are beautiful. We will definitely not return.

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