Royal Court Hotel Ramallah i Ramallah

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24-Jaffa Street، Ramallah
Kontakter telefon: +970 2 296 4040
Latitude: 31.901406, Longitude: 35.200473
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Kommentar 5

  • Morad Samara

    Morad Samara


    Very nice and cosy. The rooms woch have street view are amazing and have good light in the day time . Breakfast very simple and not much of quality need improvement

  • Iztok Kamenski

    Iztok Kamenski


    Veliko nesorazmerje med ceno in kvalitete.Zastarel hotel z izredno visokimi cenami.Zajtrk zelo povprečen. V Ramalli dobite veliko boljše hotele za nižjo ceno

  • Wladimir Streck

    Wladimir Streck


    The royal court hotel is in the heart of ramallah. It's a very casual but also very nice hotel. The rooms are clean and there is a kitchen inside of the room. The people working for this hotel speak very good english and all of them are very friendly and have a good sense of humor. The breakfast is amazing. It's not intercontinental, it's Arabic breakfast.

  • Yanick Bundoo

    Yanick Bundoo


    Good place.. in centreville

  • Jim Bowley

    Jim Bowley


    A comfortable, well located hotel, a short walk from the nighttime Ramallah scene. The dining options in the hotel are good and the service was also good.

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