A Little House In Rechavia i Jerusalem

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20, Ibn Ezra Street, Jerusalem, IL Israel
Kontakter telefon: +972 2-563-3344
Hjemmeside: jerusalem-hotel.co.il
Latitude: 31.774856, Longitude: 35.213968
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Kommentar 5

  • Nosson Fromowitz

    Nosson Fromowitz


    Very friendly and accommodating. Would recommend if you're looking for a small convenient location in Rechavia. You can walk to many of the Jerusalem tourist locations. Price is right.

  • Johanan Ottensooser

    Johanan Ottensooser


    Pretty good location. Bad beds (two springy twins pushed together). Pretty good value with the included breakfast.




    Boy, good for when you have no other place open!

  • Michael Ivry

    Michael Ivry


    Excellent expérience very relaxing no hassle great breakfast very clean great location

  • D Lichtman

    D Lichtman


    I spent 7 nights at A Little House in Rechavia and I was very satisfied with my stay. The location was great, the room was comfortable and every member of the staff was friendly and professional. They were quick to take care of anything I needed and extremely accommodating. I would definitely stay here again.

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