Hostel In Ramallah i رام الله

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After Arafat Square, Al-Nozha st.12 Near Al-Maktaba, Dowar Ass'a, رام الله
Kontakter telefon: +970 569 001 020
Latitude: 31.9019484, Longitude: 35.2027436
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Kommentar 5

  • hugh williamson

    hugh williamson


    Great location, facilities, roof bar and staff. Stayed in the Hostel in Ramallah for two days as a short break from a longer stay in al khalil. The hostel was in a great central location near to the yasser Arafat Square. The beds were comfortable and the showers, kitchen, and WiFi were fantastic. The two brothers who run the hostel were charming and knowledgeable hosts and the tour which was offered to the village of Bil'in will stay with me long into the future. I'd strongly encourage anyone who visits to ask about the farm that they run in the village and take any opportunity to visit and see the great work being done there.

  • Jyoti Ranjan Pradhan

    Jyoti Ranjan Pradhan


    Had a great time. The staff were very helpful and cordial. The wifi was good in the dormitories at Hostel in Ramallah. But it's out of reach in some of the private rooms in the hostel. The roof top balcony is a joy to spend time in. The common places are well kept and ideal to do any work or to get to know your fellow guests. The toilets are neat and there are washing machines and places to dry your clothes.

  • Chris Chalgren

    Chris Chalgren


    Nice and right in the center of Ramallah! Super safe and staffed by a bunch of awesome travellers.

  • SA HA

    SA HA


    One of the best hostels ive ever been to and ive been to a lot. Very clean and feels like a huge apartment instead of basic accommodation ; walking distance to everything really. Great rooftop and great people.

  • Najeeb Khawaja

    Najeeb Khawaja


    Fantastic! Great rooms, good quality beds, wide ranging wifi, surrounded by shops and restaurants, great management, beautiful interior with the artwork, open spaces for meeting all the other travellers, clean(!!!), well equipped kitchen & the washrooms are plentiful and clean. Well structured and organized process of signing in and renting space. Laid back environment.

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