Lavender Boutique Hotel i رام الله

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24 Al-Nuzha Street, Ramallah, رام الله
Kontakter telefon: +970 2 297 7073
Latitude: 31.9000244, Longitude: 35.2024886
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Kommentar 5

  • Nicolas Stockman

    Nicolas Stockman


    Just perfect - super kind staff and owner. Located in a quiet area that is not even a 5 minute walk from the centre. Well appointed room with an amazing bed!

  • Abdallah sadeddin

    Abdallah sadeddin


    amazing hotel

  • Srinivasan Krishnamurthy

    Srinivasan Krishnamurthy


    Best place to stay in Ramallah. Rooms are spacious, clean. Good spacious bathroom. Breakfast out of this world. Hosts were kind, courteous and helpful. Don't look for another place to stay in Ramallah!

  • Dorian Dickinson

    Dorian Dickinson


    I have stayed at the Lavender Boutique Hotel 5 times over the past 4 months, for a total of nearly 30 nights. The management and staff of the hotel are the most attentive and professional anywhere. They have a unique ability to make you immediately feel at home. The beds are the most comfortable anywhere and the included breakfast is lavish and incredible. There is no better place to stay.

  • محمد الشعيبي ابوخليل

    محمد الشعيبي ابوخليل



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