Crown Suites Hotel i رام الله

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West Bank-Ramallah, رام الله
Kontakter telefon: +972 2-297-4003
Latitude: 31.9173218, Longitude: 35.1773804
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Kommentar 5

  • zahi Al-ajori

    zahi Al-ajori


    Good staff and quiet place

  • Osama Mansour

    Osama Mansour


    Nice clean place..does the job.

  • Mohammad Tubaileh

    Mohammad Tubaileh


    Good service the food is like Jordanian very tasty and the rooms are perfect

  • khader Abdallah

    khader Abdallah


    Nice and lovely place but it's not clean that much... And I don't think they cleaned it very well after you check out and other clients check in in the same room... They should focus more on the hygienic issue.... The staff very helpful and kind

  • Ali fallaheen

    Ali fallaheen


    Excellent service, great staff and management

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