Area D Hostel i رام الله

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Top floor, Maliki building, Jamal Abdel Nasser Street, رام الله
Kontakter telefon: +970 569 349 042
Latitude: 31.90474, Longitude: 35.20696
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Kommentar 5

  • Robin Gemmell

    Robin Gemmell


    One of the best hostels I've stayed at. There are no bunk beds which is a welcome bonus and the hostel is spotless. There is hot water, the staff are incredibly friendly and helpful and the location couldn't be better. The hostel has a laid back vibe and there is a useful meeting area to meet fellow travellers. I forgot to mention the views are impressive too.

  • Charlérik Lefebvre

    Charlérik Lefebvre


    Ultra friendly and helpful, they make you feel like you're a part of the family. Always eager to help you with anything, ANYTHING !!! They know the city and the attractions around the city. Stayed there 3 nights and it was my best stay of my 2 weeks trip in Palestine and Israël ! Would recommend to everybody !

  • Thomas Verhaege

    Thomas Verhaege


    Great hostel in central Ramallah with a great view. A lot of information about tours and things to do. Nice to have your own bed and not a bed bunks. Good Kitchen.

  • Rachel Salcedo

    Rachel Salcedo


    Beautiful view and very lovely space. Spacious kitchen and lounge area, very clean rooms, water and coffee available for purchase at the front desk. Definitely a great place to stay while in Ramallah. Absolutely do as many of the tours that they offer as you can. We did the Ramallah political tour and the Hebron tour, both were invaluable. An incredible experience.

  • André Fernandes

    André Fernandes


    Very nice staff! An excellent way to experience Palestinian culture and local lifestyles! Ramallah is quite safe city, you can walk alone day and night, that's totally fine! Locals are receptive and easygoing! The hostel is in front of the street markets and stores selling fruits, candies, spices, etc. If you love the atmosphere of street market, don't waste the chance to visit Ramallah!

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