Mahmoud Darwish Museum i رام الله

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Al Ayyam street ramallah Palestine, رام الله
Kontakter telefon: +970 2 295 2808
Latitude: 31.8906411, Longitude: 35.1913088
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Kommentar 5

  • Tarik Qahawish

    Tarik Qahawish


    My first museum dedicated to a poet and it did not disappoint. A must visit in Ramallah.

  • Mohammad Al-Qinneh

    Mohammad Al-Qinneh


    Simply a must visit when in Palestine. As soon as you enter the museum are facing Darwish's work, you're overcome with goosebumps. Touring this museum is a reminder that nothing comes easy and even the great Mahmoud Darwish worked tirelessly to write content that would shake and inspire Palestinian resistance. I visit this museum everytime I visit Palestine to be reminded of this. RIP Mahmoud Darwish

  • Jim Bowley

    Jim Bowley


    If you’re a Darwish fan this is probably a “can’t miss” but as other reviewers point out may be disappointed given the limited and almost ephemeral quality of the exhibit. That’s also, however, part of the charm of the museum — the eclectic everyday items on display coupled with the sound of Darwish’s voice broadcast from the large video installation broadcasting highlights of his career and thought. Together this works. Equal to the museum, of course, are the grounds and external monuments to Darwish which rise impressively from the surrounding hillside and in doing so create one of the great and commanding views of Ramallah.

  • Inna S

    Inna S


    Although the memorial is a beautiful landmark, worth seeing, the museum itself is quite small: only one big room. 10 minutes are more than enough to spend inside.

  • Neil Spears

    Neil Spears


    A must-see for anyone visiting Ramallah. I met the manager of the museum and he is amazing. The exhibit is manageable (doesn't take all day) and has all the essential pieces of Darwish's life

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