Yasser Arafat Museum i Al-Bireh

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Ramallah Street, Al-Bireh
Kontakter telefon: +970 2 296 7770
Hjemmeside: www.yam.ps
Latitude: 31.9112223, Longitude: 35.2085069
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Kommentar 5

  • Divakar Reddy Maddhi

    Divakar Reddy Maddhi


    Gassed Arafat...stood for Palestine’s rights all along his life and was a fighter for peace...used to be a close friend of the then Indian prime minister Ms Indira Gandhi ... a befitting monument build in his name ... but couldn’t go inside the museum as there was no one to respond except three guards who can’t understand English ... a with seeing place if you had been to Ramallah...

  • Robin Gemmell

    Robin Gemmell


    Be sure to visit early and with fresh legs. There is a lot of information on offer. The museum attempts to provide an objective view of the political situation of the past half century. The museum is new, has numerous exhibits and of course is the resting place of Yasser Arafat. My only critism is that I wanted to rest after an hour or so - please provide some seating to rest.

  • Luc C

    Luc C


    Very nice architecture. Informative exhibition.

  • Rebecca Robinson

    Rebecca Robinson


    This is a fantastic museum. The architecture is beautiful, the staff are friendly, welcoming, and knowledge, and the exhibits are well curated. Audio guides are available for free (with a small entry donation). I highly recommend the museum for anyone with an interest in modern Palestinian history. And if you don't have an interest, this museum will surely change your mind.

  • Catarina Correa

    Catarina Correa


    Very interesting museum, cheap to go in and extremely informative. A lot of technology involved, and although it is not easy to get there, everyone visiting palestine should go. Expect to spend about 3 hours there.

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